Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Trying to blog again...

Ok so I haven't blogged pretty much all summer! To be honest, I just haven't felt like it. I have a journal that I write in every day, and since my blog really isn't about anything specific, I don't think its necessary for me to write in my journal and then write the same thing in my blog lols. Lots of things have happened this summer though. My mom and dad got back together after almost 10 years of being apart. I'm very very slowly getting used to it, it's a HUGE change. How am I supposed to handle this? No idea, so I am doing it the only way I know how, which may or may not be good. I am moving to London in 5 days!! I will be going to school at Fanshawe College, taking Child and Youth Worker. Am I nervous..heck yes!!! excited...heck yes!!! nervous...wait did I already say that! I am beyond nervous, but I know I just have to give it time and I will find my way around London, the college, as well as meet new people. I am most excited about meeting new people, wait no, doing the CYW program, wait no, living in res. ok, ok, ok I am sooo excited about everything! haha. I'm really hoping I find some version of Mr. Right when I move too lol. It's going to be hard leaving all my friends and family. But I really do need to get away, and get out on my own, and ultimately figure out who I am and what am I supposed to be doing in this crazy world. Anyways that's my blog for now It's boring, no pictures, I'm sorry. But I will blog more often...maybe..

Monday, 2 May 2011

Scrap booking for Dummies

This is going to be a post about how to begin scrap booking. I have been scrap booking for quite a while. I currently have 3 albums on the go. I have 2 for everyday life and 1 for my life as an Aburger. All 3 are almost all finished and when they are done I will share them with you. For now though, I will give you some starter steps to dive into the wonderful world or scrap booking.

 Getting supplies: There are litteraly hundreds of thousands of supplies for scrap-bookers. Paper, adhesive tape, stickers, stamps,scissors, stencils, glitter, just to name a few. There are a lot of places you can shop to find the right supplies you need. Some of the stores I shop at are Michaels, Papercraft, Walmart, Zellers. There are also huge scrap book gatherings called crops. These are where tons of people come to learn about new techniques, see other peoples work and talk to other people about what inspires them. It's kind of like a Star Trek convention for Scrap-bookers haha. For my Canadian followers here is a website that is helpful in finding stores near you, gives you some hints, and shows you where the next crop will be.

Once you find all of the stickers and glitter and borders and everything you need, you will need somewhere to put all of your supplies. I currently a using a chest I got from my aunt. It's not intended to be a supply holder but for now it works. They also make all sorts of storage containers, boxes, and desks.

I would love to have this, has room for everything and more!

Choosing your pictures!! Obviously the pictures you choose are important. These are what you are going to base your design around, and years later are going to be your memories. To chose your pictures :

--Make sure they are pictures which best explain the day that you are trying "document" as I call it. (eg. if it was a concert; make sure you have a picture of the band you saw).

--Make sure they go with the paper you will be using. (You don't want a bright, sunny, summer picnic to be put on Halloween paper).

--Make sure you have the right number of horizontal pictures and the right number of vertical pictures. (To make sure you have this, plan your page around the pictures you will be printing off, and when you are taking pictures make sure you take as many horizontal pictures as you do vertical).

Creating your page layout - This is going to be the way everything on the page works together. If the paper you are using has designs on it, you don't want to completely cover the page with pictures, however if the paper you are using is just a solid color, you have a bit more room to work with more pictures.

Using stickers, borders, embellishments and more.. These are going to make your pictures pop out of the page, make the page complete, and make it appealing to the eye. Would you rather look at a page with just pictures taped on it? or a page with a bunch of colors, stickers, and borders on it? To each is own, but to me the one with just the pictures on it, isn't going to really grab my attention. Boarders you can make out of your own paper, or you can buy packages of borders, they can go around your pictures, around the outside of the paper, or use your imagination and use them however you want.
This is one of my pages. I have a border used in the middle, and the stickers are raised.


Making your page look beautiful -  how your page turns out is all about how you feel everything works together. The amount of pictures you use, the type of paper, the kinds of stickers and accessories you use to make your page pop is all up to you. When I do my pages I am not doing them for anyone but myself. So I do what I think looks good, and things I want to document. Make sure you have fun and be creative doing this, it can be a stress reliever if you get in the right mind frame while doing it.

The last thing I will leave you with is-------TRY TO BUY THE CRICUIT!!
The Cricut is your personal cutting system that does not require a computer. It's cartridge-based system allows you to cut thousands of beautiful shapes, letters, and phrases in a variety of styles with just the touch of a button. For more information check this link out :

I don't have this wonderful invention yet, but it is definately on my wishlist!


Sunday, 1 May 2011

Some goals I have in mind to have done by ..hmm..lets say July? lol

I am going to start tanning. I know its bad for you in the long run, but right now I need a pick me up on how I look and yes being tanned will make me feel a bit better about myself.

I am going to lose weight. This is the time that I am going to actually do it. I am going to be moving at the end of the summer, so new city, new me!

I am going to get something pierced. Not sure what yet, I have my lip pierced, but that's it. I feel like I need another one. Maybe after I lose the weight I want I will try getting my belly button pierced again.

I am going to get a tattoo. I have wanted a tattoo for sooo long now, but everytime I have time to get one, something comes up where I need to use the money I have for it, like my car breaking down, or losing my job. Here is the tattoo I am going to get...It's going to go on my right shoulder blade..

So those are the goals I have for right now, hopefully they all happen, because I am really all about changing myself into the person I want to be this year. :)

Friday, 15 April 2011

My two loves

I just thought I would show the world my cat and dog. They are both so awsome. My dog's name is Jersey * like a hockey jersey* and my cat's name is Sabbeth *She's black and I like Black Sabbeth*

Jersey is a Springer Spanial he is going to be 3 this summer. He's so full of energy, some which I could take from him and give to myself lol, and he loves to cuddle. I got Jersey from my neighbour. They were nice and gave me him for free after my yellow lab, Rocky died.

Sabbeth is going to be 5 in October. She loves to cuddle and purrs so much when she is pet. I got her from a rescue centre. I wanted to get a black cat because it was around Halloween, and I'm always worried people are into hurting black cats around Halloween.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Friends who have made me who I am

This is going to be kind of a long post, but I'm going to thank the friends who have helped me become the person I am today.
I'm not going in any particular order!! I think I will go by who has txt me most recently lols

Felicia Parent:
Felicia and I met in grade 12 Family studies class. She was my first friend I had at my new school. Although she gave me her email address to add her on msn, and she gave me the wrong one. So when I tried to add her it didn't work. I thought she was kind of a bitch lols, but the next day she corrected her mistake and all was well :) I actaully dated her ex boyfriend, without knowing that it was her ex boyfriend. I was new to town and I didn't know everybodys dating history, not my fault! lols she seemed to be pretty kool with it non the less. Felicia never ceases to amaze me with some of the things she says. Such as, "Do turkeys come pre-stuffed?" "What's a T-rex?" and my favorite "How do we divide these cookies evenly?" *There was 12 cookies, and 3 of us* <3 I want to thank you Felicia for making this friendship a very interesting and loving friendship, that will last forever <3

Jules Collins:
Jules and I actually had Entrepaneurship class together, with our teacher who looked so much like Tony Danza lols. We didn't actually start talking until Felicia's birthday party. It was then that Jules and I found out eachothers love for Metallica and then friendship was a must at that point! Jules and I have been through lots, from me moving and not seeing eachother as much, to me getting a car to see her more, to her moving a bit closer, then moving 2 hours away! however I will be living close to her soon so we will be together again! Jules and I have air guitared in the back of a truck *to Metallica of course*, gone in search everywhere for a free kitten for me *which we did not find*, to just hanging out at her apartment. One of my fondest memories is when we ate ribs and watched a Leafs game. It was such an awsome night! lols. Thanks Jules for the randomness of the things we do, we will be together when I move again, you cannot escape me! <3

Olivia Antonucci:
When I first met Olivia, I thought she was going to be one of those preppy girls that annoy me to no end. This was not true at all with Liv!  We also met in grade 12 Family Studies class. Her and Felicia suprised me one day by bringing me a card right before I went to the hospital for surgery. It was then, I knew I had true friends in them. Olivia has changed me alot actually. I love shopping now, love dressing up, love shoes *I even wear high heels and love them, not saing I can walk well in them though* Her and I are on this crazy adventure right now trying to find out what it's like to live on our own. We are hoping to move in June to a city! We are both town girls, so that's a huge change on it's own. We are going to be going to school in Sept, and we are going to be trying to survive as poor students lols. We are both stressing out about it, and we both want to kill people sometimes, but things will work out, we are both so excited for our programs, and this huge change. Liv you and I will make it, I know it. And our friendship will make it through, atleast until our lease is up I hope..lmao jk <3

Chantelle Briggs:
Chantelle and I met while I was dating her brother. I even lived with them for a year. Chantelle and I didn't like eachother at all when we first met. The reason we became such good friends is because I was invited to stay the night at the house, but I wasn't allowed to sleep in same room as her brother at this time. I had to stay in Chantelle's room which neither one of us were happy about, but luckily her and I had been drinking pop before bed and were too hyper and sugar high to sleep, so we started talking. The moment I knew we would be awsome friends is when we were laughing so hard my lungs started hurting and I thought I had absorbed pop in them. After a while Chantelle asked me how my spounges were doing *referring to my lungs* and we almost died laughing. So thanks for pop and hyperness that's how our friendship started. We have been through an awful lot of good and bad through out the years, but mostly good. We don'tt hang out as much as we used to, but we will always have the awsome memories and there will be more to come. Thanks for everything Chantelle <3

Taylor Roelens:
Taylor and I met at Wendys *we worked together* however neither one of use remembers the first time we worked together or the first thing we said to eachother. We just were always working together and it just seemed like it was always that way. I don't even really remember the first time we hung out, not that it wasn't unforgettable im sure, but we are just so in sync we just feel like we have been in eachothers lives forever! Taylor and I are really similar, we like most of the same things *except we have different taste in boys most of the time lol* When we talk to eachother even if the words don't make sense that we say the other one knows exactly what it means, even if the person saying it doesn't know. We go to the movies alot, and dinner alot. We don't go downtown alot together mostly because she loves dancing and I don't like dancing so much, so that cuts out on our hang out time. I am so proud of her for stepping up as manager where we worked together, so proud of her for getting accepted to school and mostly proud to call her my friend. <3 Thanks Taylor for understanding me even when I don't <3

 Melissa and James Chepurnaty:
I'm putting these two together because I can't picture knowing one without knowing the other. I kinda feel like we have just always known eachother, well since I lived in Aburg anyways, but the first time I remember meeting Melissa I was upset because one of my ex boyfriends cheated on me. She tried to comfort me by giving me a random snow globe, and it worked lols. Olivia introduced us, which I am so thankful for :) I remember being in the grocerystore with James once and me making a noise that sounded like a dying dolphin to him. I wish I could say we spent more time together but they moved to Montreal not long after we met. But I went there a couple years ago to visit and it was so much fun. and I'm always so excited when they come down here, although the last few times it's just been Melissa, which is still awsome! Thanks for being there for me guys <3 <3

Shanna Lavigne:
Shanne and I met at Wendys, she was my manger. Her and I first started talking because I told her I liked a bag she had, I can't remember which one it was now though lol. But that was the first thing I said to her. She is the most crazy, outgoing, strongest person I think I know. She is always on the go, works like crazy and still makes time for her friends. She says what she wants when she wants. Which is my kind of attitude so her and I get along great, not to mention she can be serious when need be and crazy when it's called for. She always has awsome advice and I am so lucky I have her in my life. I am so proud that I am able to call her one of my best friends <3


Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Different types - Same effect Music

So since I can remember Metallica has been one of my favorite bands.When I am feeling on edge or frusterated I can always count on them to calm me down and let me think is one of my absolute favorite songs.

Another band that can completely change my mood is the Beatles <3 I have watched Across the Universe so many times, I will never ever get sick of it.

What band, music, or song helps you when you need to de-stress??

Sunday, 10 April 2011

~!Stressing out!~

So on our venture to London today we saw some good apts and some bad apts. The one we both absoutly love is a bit over budget, like $19 over to be exact. However its huge and beautiful and im in total love with it. The landlord needs us to purchase renters insurance as part of our lease though, which will be an extra expense ontop of everything else we are trying to budget. It's the closest to the school we saw so we could save on gas that way and put that savings towards the extra rent cost, or we could win the lottery? I think that will be the way we will go. Can't we fastforward a couple of months so I know what is going on? We can come back to now, I just wanna peak into the future. That's supposed to be the exciting part though right? the not knowing? well the not knowing is making my hair fall out! So if anybody has a time machine, I just wanna use it for like an hour, I can't pay anything to use it though because, well read this...

I am supposed to be getting 40 hours a week at my new job, but of course I am not. I'm just a temp so when they need to cut hours of course they send us new people home first. It totally sucks because im still keeping up with bills which is good, but I'm not able to save anything! I cancelled my gym membership, which saves me $40 a month, but I just got my new blackberry so the phone bill is going to be almost twice as much as my other phone bill. So the $40 I would be saving from cancelling the gym is going to go to my phone bill. It was probably not a necessity that I get a blackberry right this second, but everyone is allowed to make a purchase every once in a while they don't need, just want.

I start days tomorrow morning, it's 630-250. Not horrible hours once I wake up! So with that said I am off to bed because in order for me to get to work on time I have to leave no later than 540..yes AM...and everyone who knows me knows I'm a horrible morning person lol

Anyways, I shall talk to all of you wonderful followers later *which im pretty sure is just Olivia right now lols*

<3 <3 <3

Saturday, 9 April 2011

First blog...this page will become more interesting I swear

Ok so miss olivia set me up with my very own blogging page, thanks to her I can now vent to the world, not just my journal lols. This weekend has been pretty ok so far, I bought a Blackberry torch today and a new laptop. No I didn't win the lottery, just been saving for a laptop for a long time and decided it was time to get one. The phone was definately a random purchase though, just thought maybe it was time for me to enter the world of the Blackberry lol.

Tomorrow *or I guess today now since its almost 1am* Liv, my mom and I are going to London to look for aparments. Liv and I are moving in June *hopefully* so we can start a new life in London. Liv is going to school for fashion design I am going for Child and Youth Worker. We are both mega excited :) and both mega scared about this whole big change we are both going through, but atleast we have eachother. Jules will be there too and I know she will definately help us with moving and stuff like that.

I should probaby be getting to sleep soon since we are leaving at 830am but I have to pick my brother up from work at 4am, so if I fall asleep I might forget about him lols. Which normally wouldnt be such a huge probem cuz we never really get along but today he was helpful helping me pick out a new laptop.

I am however going to try to make this page more interesting so this ends the first blog of my page, I hope you find my life intersting cuz I sure don't lols

<3 <3 <3